The Generic Declaration Standard for Paramedical Care (GDS PM) is a framework established in the Netherlands to ensure consistent, accurate, and legally compliant invoicing for paramedical care services. This standard helps streamline the claims process for health insurers by defining the necessary details invoices must include, such as treatment descriptions, healthcare provider identifiers, and treatment codes.
If your salon provides services that can be claimed on medical insurance in the Netherlands, it’s crucial to ensure your invoices meet the new compliance requirements.
These changes, effective January 1, 2025, require detailed information for smoother processing and reimbursement by health insurers.
Follow the steps below to ensure your invoices are compliant.
Part 1: Prepare your invoice and service settings
Part 2: Checking out relevant appointments
⚠️ If any of the below mentioned settings are missing in your account, please contact our support team.
Part 1: Prepare your invoice and service settings
Step 1: Ensure treatment dates display on invoices
Go to Admin > Invoice > Permissions.
Confirm that the Treatment Date is set to display on all invoices.
Step 2: Add complete customer information to Invoices
Make sure your customers’ information is displayed on invoices via. Admin > Invoices > Invoice content. Include:
Full Name:
{{first_name}} {{last_name}}
Date of Birth:
Phone Number:
Postal Code and City:
{{postalcode}} {{city}}
Step 3: Mark medical services appropriately
Navigate to Admin > Services > Edit. For your services that are medical in nature:
Provide a Precise Description of the service.
Ensure they are marked as Medical.
Assign the appropriate Treatment Code.
Part 2: Checking out relevant appointments
Step 1: When preparing orders for Checkout
Before creating an invoice, confirm the following for each order:
The order is marked as Medical.
The customer record includes all required information above, as well as their BSN (Citizen Service Number).
Step 2: Verify the Final Invoice
After completing the checkout process:
Review the created invoice to ensure it includes all required information:
Treatment date
Customer details
Medical service details with treatment codes and descriptions
✨ Your invoices will now comply with Dutch health insurance regulations, ensuring hassle-free claims processing for your clients ✨
By following these steps, you can confidently support your clients in submitting compliant invoices for health insurance claims. For additional assistance, feel free to reach out to our support team.