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Reports explained

Day totals, employee reports, best-selling products, best-selling services, VAT overview

Updated over 2 years ago

To get a quick insight into your sales results, check out the Reports page.
We will explain what data you can access and how the data can be interpreted.


Tab 1: Totals

Use the button in the top-left corner to select the period for which you want to know the revenue.

  • Totals: this report gives you a clear overview of your total revenue over a certain period of time. The total revenue, both including and excluding vat are displayed. The total revenue of your products and services are separately displayed, you will see the total value of sales of gift cards, the amount of discount that you have given and your total cash outflow.

  • Payment methods: here you can see exactly from which payment methods your revenue is built.

  • Number of invoices: here you can see how many invoices make up your revenue.

  • Number of appointments: shows the number of scheduled appointments in a certain period of time.

  • Number of new clients: shows how many new clients have scheduled an appointment during a certain period of time.


Tab 2: Daily

Here you can see, by means of a graph, what the total sales on a given day are. It is immediately clear on which day the best sales have been made. Below the graph is a more detailed overview of your revenue in a table view.

Note: the total revenue that is shown here includes the VAT.


Tab 3: Monthly report

Here the same principles apply as in the daily reports, but on a monthly level.


Tab 4 & 5: Product and services reporting

These reports provide insight into which products or services have contributed to the revenue over a given period of time. Sales both including and excluding vat are shown. In addition, it will show to what extent the product/service categories have contributed to the total sales in the graph.

Note: the percentages shown are based on total quantity of products/services sold. So not on the total turnover.


Tab 6: Employee

This report displays the number of hours worked per employee over a certain period and the total revenue per employee. Revenue is also broken down into products and services and what an employee's average revenue is per hour.


Tab 7: VAT overview

Here the VAT overview is shown both per month and per quarter. The revenue shown includes VAT, if you want to know the revenue excluding VAT, look at Totals.

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