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How to use PRO features during Christmas 🎄
How to use PRO features during Christmas 🎄

Discover tips on how to use Salonized Marketing functionalities during the holiday season

Updated over 11 months ago

We know that Christmas time and the holiday season can be super busy. That's why we want to share a few tips with you on how to use our brand new PRO plan features even better!

Send special Newsletters

Our newsletter is perfect to use right before Christmas! 💌
You can send it a few weeks before the holidays to make sure that all of your customers book an appointment on time:

It's also possible to include a discount code, as in the example above, so you can give a special offer for the next coming weeks!

You can also schedule the newsletter to be sent on a specific day, so you have time to prepare everything you need with enough time in advance:

Don't want to send it to all of your customers? That's totally fine! You can send it to a specific group by using the filters:

Give discounts during less busy hours or increase prices during peak hours

Our newest PRO feature is perfect for December!

We know that many times during this season the regular opening hours are not enough.

Let's say, for example, that you usually don't work on Mondays, but during the holiday season you want to create more spots for your customers. You can choose to add some more hours on this day via settings > timetable.

Then you will need to enable this new functionality as indicated below:

Then click on the Go to calendar button. Or if you were already in the calendar, you can click on this button to enable the dynamic pricing:

Once you've changed your hours in the timetable and enabled the dynamic pricing, you can add a block with a price increase of 25%, for example, via the calendar:

Your customer will see the increase or discount in the booking widget!

Make sure that your customers have access to a waiting list

Another great functionality to use even more during the holiday season is the PRO waiting list.

This way you can make sure that if by any chance there's an available spot, your customers will be aware!

First of all, make sure you enable it in the Marketing environment:

After it's enabled, your customer will see this option in the booking widget and they will be able to choose the most suitable time/day!

Alternatively, you can create a new waiting list entry directly from your calendar:

When you have a waiting list registration and a spot becomes available, you can send an email to your customer notifying them about this open spot ✨

Ensure you will see your customers back in the new year

Last but not least, during this period could be really useful to enable the Rebook Reminder feature.
This is another way to help make your customers to book an appointment on time!

You can enable the feature as below:

After a specific amount of time, that you can define, we will send some of your customers a reminder to already book another appointment.
You can edit all the settings here:

Then you can click on the 'When it should be sent' section to select which services you want to add and after how many days the reminder should be send:

Try now the PRO plan features for 14 days without any obligation!

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