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Activity logs user accounts
Activity logs user accounts

Learn how to keep track of activities performed by different user accounts and how to filter in order to find activities more easily.

Updated over a year ago

The activity log provides you with a list of activities performed by different user accounts. In this log you can track which activities were performed on a certain day and by whom, allowing you to rectify possible mistakes or other issues (e.g. deleted appointments and customers).

The activity log is only visible to account owners, not to other user accounts. Account owners can access the activity log in Menu > Settings > User accounts > Activity log.


You can choose how you would like the log to be filtered in order to search for activities. You can filter by Activity (e.g. Appointment created, Customer updated, Product removed) or by User (all users or a specific user account). Additionally, you can use the search bar to search for a specific Customer.

The filter options add up based on the data in your account. As soon as a certain activity is performed it appears as an option in the filter bar. For example, the activity ‘Exported customers’ won’t appear between the filter options if you have never exported customers before.

The page will load more data as you scroll down.

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