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Loyalty program

Boost customer relationship with loyalty programs.

Updated over a year ago

On this page, you'll learn how to activate the loyalty program in Salonized.

  1. First go to Settings > Sales > Loyalty points.

  2. By default, the loyalty points system is disabled. Activate the loyalty points system by choosing one of the options

You will see a couple of options to specify when and how many loyalty points customers will receive. 

Allocation of loyalty points

  • Reward a point when a certain amount of money is spent
    For example, customers receive 1 point for every 10 euros (products and treatments) they spent.

  • Reward a point when a certain amount of money is spent on services only
    For example, customers receive 1 point for every 10 euros they spent on treatments.

  • Reward a point when a certain amount of money is spent on products
    For example, customers receive 1 point for every 10 euros they spent on products.

  • Reward one point for every invoice
    Customers receive 1 point for every invoice.

  • Reward one point for every service purchased
    For example, customers receive 3 points if they purchase 3 treatments.

  • Reward one point for every product purchased
    For example, customers receive 3 points if they purchase 3 products.

Amount of loyalty points in cash register

You'll see the accurate amount of loyalty points for each customer in the register when checking out. For example, Rubina now has 24 loyalty points:

You decide when customers can redeem their loyalty points. For example, when a customer has 10 loyalty points, they get 10% discount. 

Because you can see this customer has 24 loyalty points, you can add 10% discount in the discount field and subtract 10 points. You need to do this manually, it won't subtract loyalty points automatically. 

Integrating loyalty points in digital receipt

When a customer has paid, loyalty points will automatically be updated. The new loyalty point balance is visible on the digital receipt that you can send per mail. 

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