Unlock the power of online payments in the Salonized booking widget!
Step 1 - Enable online payments
Go to
>Online bookings
>Online payments
Enable a payment provider (Mollie or Stripe)
Come back to the
Online payment
settings and clickEnable online payments and deposits
Step 2 - Decide when you want to ask customers for online payments
With online payments enabled, you can now customise your configuration to your needs. You have three options:
Option 1 - Full payment optional
With this setting, your customer will be give a choice to either pay online (during the booking) or pay at the salon (when they come in for their appointment)
Option 2 - Deposit required
This setting offers some deeper configuration and allows you to choose:
Who you want to receive deposits from All customers or New customers only. The system recognises clients as new, when:
They book an appointment with a mail address that's not in your Customer database OR;
At least one appointment of that client has been marked as a No-Show
[Pro only] In which circumstances you want to receive deposits (price or appointment duration threshold)
The deposit (%) that you want to request for relevant customers.
For relevant customers/appointments, the customer will be asked to make an online payment for the required deposit to complete a booking. So if you choose 15% and the total cost of the appointment is €60, then your clients will need to pay €9 to complete the online booking.
Option 3 - Full payment required
This setting is configured in the same way as Option 2, but doesn't ask for a deposit percentage (%) - instead, an online payment for the full value of the appointment will be required to complete a booking.
Step 3 - Set transaction costs
You can also decide to charge transaction costs. If you don't want to do that, you can just leave the field Online payment transaction costs empty. If you want your customers to pay transaction costs, you set the amount here (e.g. €0,15).
⚠️ Note that payment providers often have a minimum transaction value. If you have €0 services and the [total value of the appointment] plus [transaction fee] is less than €0,50, no online payment will be requested and your customer will need to pay at your salon.
Step 4 - Save!
Make sure to Save
your chosen settings so that they're applied to new online bookings.
What your customers see
Once you have enabled and configured Online Payments, in the relevant circumstances your customer will be asked to make an online payment at the time of booking. Below is an example of a 15% deposit being requested with a €0,15 transaction fee:
Depending on the payment provider you have enabled (Mollie or Stripe), when your customer clicks Pay online
, they will be re-directed to that platform to complete a payment.
After successfully completing a payment, your customer will be automatically redirected to your Salonized booking widget where they can see that their booking has been confirmed.
Salonized Pay Online
With Salonized Pay Online, you can also accept online payments. Your customers can pay for their appointments in advance through your booking widget. Read this help article for all the details on how it works.