A credit note is an invoice that generates a negative amount. This allows you to correct an invoice, return products from your customers or when you want to undo an invoice.
If you want to correct an invoice, you will not be able to delete the invoice; rather you will have to make a credit note. This will ensure that the bookkeeping is properly maintained.
Learn more about:
How to credit the entire invoice
Credit part of an invoice
Exchange a product
Credit an outstanding invoice
To make an invoice credit note, go to the Cash Register and find Invoices. Find the relevant invoice and click Create credit invoice in the invoice details.
How to credit the entire invoice
Find the relevant invoice and click Create credit invoice in the invoice details.
The items in the register are now negative numbers. Click Checkout at the bottom.
Select a payment method: in what way do you intend to return the customer's money? In the case of making a correction, select the same method of payment as was used on the original invoice and choose Complete invoice.
Credit part of an invoice
Find the relevant invoice and click Create credit invoice in the invoice details.
The items in the register are now negative numbers. Delete the items to remain on the invoice. That is the items not to be credited.
Click Checkout at the bottom.
Select a payment method, usually returning the funds the same way the customer paid them in.
Choose Complete invoice.
Exchange a product
Find the relevant invoice and click Create credit invoice in the invoice details.
The product in the register has now negative numbers. Click Products to add a new product to the invoice.
Click Checkout at the bottom.
Is the amount in the minus? Then choose the payment method with which you will refund the overpaid amount to the customer and click on Complete invoice.
Is the amount outstanding? First click on a payment method with which the customer can pay the outstanding amount and click on Complete invoice.
Is the new product the same price as the exchanged product? Then immediately click on Complete invoice.
In the case of a product being returned via credit note, the system will automatically update the stock correctly and include a negative amount in the relevant reports.
Credit an outstanding invoice
Do you want to credit an outstanding invoice? Then you will not see the Create credit invoice option when you click on the invoice details. This is because the invoice must first be completed before you can credit the invoice. First complete the outstanding invoice completely.