For every recurring appointment, we send one appointment confirmation for the entire series, and individual appointment reminders for every appointment. This page, contains more information how this works.
Appointment confirmation
For a recurring appointment, the customer receives one confirmation e-mail for the whole series of appointments. The confirmation contains the following information:
The time and date of the first appointment
The recurring sequence (eg. every week or every 2nd week)
The end date of the series of appointments (if an end date has been selected)
The 5 next dates of appointments (Maximum)
The ical file (sent to Google e-mail addresses) that contains all the appointments in the series, which the customer can add directly to her/his calendar.
An example:
If you would like to change the text of the appointment confirmation email for a recurring appointment, you can do it via the admin > communication.
Appointment reminders
For each individual appointment in the series, the customer receives an email reminder. How long before the appointment the reminder needs to be sent can be set at the Calendar and appointments setting section.
'Appointment moved' message
In order to communicate more clearly with your customers, we have added a number of new variables that you can use in your automated message. Especially for recurring appointments, this addition makes it specific which appointment will be moved. It concerns the following variables:
{{previous_date}} - linked to the original date of the appointment, written as: Wednesday 14 August
{{previous_date_short}} - linked to the original date of the appointment, written as: 14 August
{{previous_time}} - linked to the original time of the appointment (eg: 10:30)
An example of what this will look like:
You can change the content of your 'appointment moved' e-mail via the admin > communication. There you can add the extra variables to your email template.
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